
Showing posts from 2010

Using PushPop demo to learn basic Navigation Controller

Protocol in Objective-C

從 iPhone 上的 Twitter App 學習互動設計的目標

File's Owner

Implementing a Search Bar

Selector in Objective-C

Customizing Table View Cells

Date Picker and Picker View

Setting up the Tab Bar Framework

Utility Application Template 與 Painter, FlagQuizGame 開發重點

Autorotation and Autosizing

Post-it! My knowledge wall.


37signals 的 web-app interface designer

Load Balancers

Flat Stanley Project 跨區域拉近孩子們的距離

Launch an Amazon EC2 Instance


Amazon web services: cloud best practices (part 2)

Amazon web services: cloud best practices (part 1)

學習與道德 A World of Choice

More User Interface Controls

iOS-based devices 上的 User Experience 準則

Outlet 與 Action

appWorks 新秀團隊的大夢想

原型 (Prototyping) 製作與概念設計

John Sculley 談論 Steve Jobs methodology

設計規劃一個 iPhone Application: 從產品聲明書 (Product Definition) 到品牌化 (Branding)