
Showing posts from 2011

App Store Review Guidelines 送審前十項常犯必檢查項目表

Share Archives to Teammates in Organizer

改造優惠類型 iPhone App 藉由資訊整理做起

Opened pull request on GitHub

使用 SenTestCase 為後續整合更快速

使用 SenTestCase 為 Continuous Integration 之路更踏實

用 iCarousel 在 iPhone App 上做出旋轉木馬效果的顯示

Version control challenge: 請提供過去問市測試、正式版本的應用程式

TestFlight SDK: Quick, painless integration Instant insight.

*.DSYM File Extension

TestFlight magically distribute iOS Beta testing for your team

iRate 協助使用者給予我們更多的支持與鼓勵

當 iPhone 轉移到 iPad 該注意的 5 個 User Experience 概念

開發 Location based 的 iPhone app , MapKit 知多少


Inception Deck

社群團隊如何擬定出一個 iPhone App 企劃案

一個 iPhone App 開發之路要走多久才能結束

Google Analytics SDK for iOS version 1.2


Find problems, find solutions

Registering for Remote Push Notifications

黑板、筆記本系列 iPad App 展示與觀察紀錄

Senior UX Designer 所需要具備的條件

Local Notifications let users know it has something for them

Google Analytics SDK for iOS Getting Started

Google Analytics SDK for iOS

Prototyping for iPhone apps

Developing User Personas

The Importance of Visual Design

Refine mobile app's user interface 幕後花絮

After action review 讓重複的任務越做越好

Play sound effect on iPhone app

Git-flow 讓 Dev Team 步上穩健開發之路